Spectro-anyalsis shows that HydrOxy contains monatomic hydrogen and oxygen but it’s only about 3% of the total volume.
Scientific evidence also shows that HydrOxy contains a significant volume of Electrically Expanded Water (ExW). ExW is a plasma form of water. Depending on the quality of the HydrOxy gas, ExW can be up to 30% of the total volume. Learn more at ‘What is Brown’s Gas”? http://www.eagle-research.com/cms/faq/what-is-browns-gas
ExW is still water (hasn’t split into hydrogen and oxygen) but it’s water that’s soaked up electricity and become a gaseous form of water that is NOT water vapor or steam. If cooled, it does not condense.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) and is defined as an ‘ionized gas’. ExW is water in a gaseous form that has excess energy (in the form of bio-available electrons). It’s a plasma at room temperature so it’s a ‘cold’ plasma.
Here’s the page where George Wiseman describes the discovery: http://www.eagle-research.com/browngas/whatisbg/watergas.php.
Here’s a video of ExW being formed: http://www.eagle-research.com/erpdf/bg/ExWform.mp4
ExW is what makes Brown’s Gas (aka HHO, HydrOxy, etc.) more effective for health application than using straight molecular hydrogen (H2). Because the body (and particularly bodies that are ill) NEEDS the energy (electrons) that the ExW provides.
It’s good to give the body the material (hydrogen) it needs to heal, but also helps greatly if you give the body the energy it needs to use the material to heal.
It’s like any construction site. You can bring the concrete and lumber, but without electricity and fuel no machines can operate. The ExW provides the fuel for the machines.
Bodies that are ill usually have compromised energy generation systems and have used up their energy reserves. So the ExW is needed for best results.